4 Ways to Building Your Own Home PART 1/2 | By Sync Brokerage Real Estate

Trying to build your own home can become quite a satisfying challenge and experience. With so many unique ways to add those finishing touches and building what you always wanted as a dream house adds that sense of pride and gratification, especially as a homeowner. Of course, there at times building your own home can become quite challenging, there are a few ways that you can handle this intense project that makes it even more easing in budgeting, funding, and more. 


1. Shell Homes 

Shell homes are for the type of buyer that doesn’t want to deal with too many issues and challenges out forth to them. These challenges include framing, and thus with shell homes, contractors that you hire for the job can help speed up the process significantly. This makes the majority of your work all the easier, especially when it comes to the foundation and the rest of the house. 


The cost for a shell home can differ depending on the region and the overall square footing, so if you are looking for a few in Studio City, you may need to do further research before going forth with this plan first. And figure out the right number of contractors to subcontractors for the workload as well. 


For most shell homes, their price range is quite forgiving, ranging roughly at about 16 thousand dollars. In terms of renovations and improvements, it adds about 80 dollars more per square footing, so budgeting does need to be managed well if you are considering getting a massive shell home.  


Furthermore, you would also have to consider land purchases as it makes the property easier to manage considering you own the land around it rather than having to lease it, adding more paperwork to your massive folder to binder. Finally, you would need to make sure you have all the tools you need to get the project done. 


2. Container Homes 

These types of homes are more affordable for most as their prices range from 3k to about 5k in certain areas and regions. Despite that, it helps with budgeting, but you would need to add in more of the work to finish the project yourself.  


For starters, container homes are usually made thanks to the no longer usage of certain crates and containers that cargo companies need, allowing buyer such as yourself to grab it and use as salvage, possibly as an additional expansion to your current home or a full-sized home in general.  


It is also very important to note that with container home builds, they need tons of space and land to be built on, so with the same case as a shell home, it applies with these types of homes as well. Therefore, the logistics must be figured out by yourself before moving forward with this project. For some states though, you are given the lucky treatment as they will allow you to go through with this project, but you would need to read more on your state’s regulations and restrictions. 


Interior stuff such as framing can be done by yourself or with the help of subcontractors, which is much less expensive than completely reworking and constructing a house anew.  


As a counterpoint to container homes, they are less spacey than your traditional hoes as they are not only tight, but have very little ventilation in them, so when investing in a container home, also invest in a nice ventilation system as well. 


What is beneficial to container homes is that they are more green-based and allow for the reduction of carbon foot printing. This all since most of these containers are now being reduced to create more timely and possible home structures in the future. 

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